From the album REKON by REKON.
Daniel Borgegård Älgå: bass clarinet
Leif Jordansson: Acoustic guitar
Excerpts from a concert celebrating Trollhättan's 100 years as a city. Composed by me and Martin Q Larsson for symphony orchestra, three choirs, electric guitar quintet and lots of soloists and guests.
From Bad Livers show: Nick Cave in swedish with translations of songs from "The Boatman's Call".
A composition based on Lennart Hellsing's text Moster Ester. Here with Bob Hansson as vocalist.
From the album Able to Land by Misok.
Helena Persson: Zither with E-bows, vocals, field recordings
Leif Jordansson: Acoustic guitar with E-bow, organ, Kannel
A string quartet originally composed for Doktor Glas (Hjalmar Söderberg), with Krister Henriksson at The Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. Later rearranged as a concert where the string quartet played together with sounds from the city.
Excerpts from a 30 min's film by Johan Löfstedt (Stavro Produktion)
Bad Liver playing the Tom Waits song "Telephone Call from Istanbul" in a swedish translation.
From the album REKON by REKON.
Daniel Borgegård Älgå - bass clarinet
Leif Jordansson - guitar
Pelle Vallgren - drums
A collaboration with Peter Norrman and ElisabethWärnfeldt based on one idea from my book "...och konsten att lyssna" (...and the art of listening): Make art out of a place.
From Bad Liver's show "Problemorienterad underhållning" based on songs from Blå Tåget/Gunder Hägg
From the LJORD-album "The Earthis a Faraway Place". Guest vocals by Peter Lemarc. Video by Peter Norrman.
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